
Hello and welcome! I'm Lizzy Ten-Hove, an enthusiastic maker of all things fiber-related currently living in the San Francisco Bay Area with my spouse and our cat, Cordelia. My pronouns are she/her.

I first found weaving in 2018. I was working on a dissertation on Ancient Greek Tragedy and needed something to get me out of my head, a new craft that wasn't yet part of my muscle memory like my old friends sewing and knitting. Years later, I'm hooked—and still find weaving does the trick to get me out of my head!

Heddle & Quill is a space to share my experiments with all my crafts, taking inspiration from William Morris' famous exhortation to "Have nothing in your homes that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful." I hope you find something useful, beautiful, or (best of all) both here.